Posted in Stuffs

Dragon Nest Mobile

I just want to vent out some concerns about the Dragon nest Mobile surrounding. First, I might excuse myself’s expertise since this isn’t inline with my field however, an opinion matters given that our world practice the freedom of speech, right?  If you are an MMORPG gamer, this might interest you a bit. Dragon nest in PC, is one of the most amazing game that I had encountered, my mouth literally dropped, yes literally dropped. I was attracted by those wings, cute pets and f*** those fantastic mounts. Thrilled, I had to download the game, I really want to, but since this has a lot of GB, I decided to just settle in a lesser one that could fit to what I just have. Unlike from the mobile version, it has a unique vibe that is truly addicting, I am not making flattering remark, I was beyond amazed from it, it’s adventurous, graphic-friendly (’cause I have a sensitivity in my eyes and I couldn’t last long before my eyes turned completely red) and yeah… fair. Too fair, I was almost questioning how they did end up making a trashy version in mobile, oh sorry for the word, I guess its too strong–a junk version rather! (I’m not mad, I am just creating an emphasis) If Dragon Nest PC is in the hand of someone who has so much care and love, then I could say that the mobile version is in the hand of Satan. I will point out some concerns and try my best not to cuss or put up some foul language regardless of the fact that I am totally disappointed of the carelessness they have had in the mobile version.

  1. Battle of Heroes, if you  are into PVP fights and love to team up with your friends that would both get you killed or saved, then this suits you well. However, you might end up throwing your phone in your trashcan if you consecutively lost because you team up with–what do they call it?–noob people. Goodluck on getting the egg mark and welcome to the bottom line again. What’s bad about this game, is you have to welcome cross servers and fight them with all the swords and arrows you have, so better team up with people you can trust. For now, I have to rebuild my trust again, I am clearly under trust issue.
  2. Ladder Tournament, the first time I saw this, I was happy because I already acquire a reward. It made my day, seriously. However, as time goes by, I was getting hammered by level 47 character and my little chick is just level 36? It’s not about the rank and the battle points, but come to think of it? They had full set of their skill, they had their level 40 special skill and I haven’t. Again, we fight crossovers where their servers is 5 months older than ours, hooray! Should I start panicking? Lastly, please running is not a skill.
  3. Customer Service. Are you short on agents, ’cause my email wasn’t acknowledge until now and it has been 4 days after I received the auto-generated response. Come on, does a little talk scares you too much? Your company is already earning tons of money because of loyal and active players, would it be a little unfair if you do not acknowledge them, a bit? They won’t bite you, it’s virtual.
  4. Comeback reward. You have so much love for those players who have already gone their way and you all don’t notice every active players who remained loyal to you after all this time? How could you?

I was noting all of this to let you all know, that if you are going to install Dragon nest mobile, you should have a tough heart and its not something you can acquire in Pandora’s heart. Gosh, my eyes is all misty after writing all this. It’s not because of being frustrated but, I have finally vent out. I am not saying all this because I am  underestimating the crew’s job for not being able to notice certain details. I can see that you are trying your best to solve everything, but please just hire more people, more customer service agents, and if you have lazy crews, just fcking fire them. Clean your game environment. If you look at your facebook page, its flooded with to many 1 star rate. Just this once, give equal love to dragon nest mobile just like how you love the dragon nest PC, ’cause not everyone has a laptop, PC, or money to take in the internet cafe to play your PC version, some just settle in the mobile version since they avoid too much GB and they don’t have extra money to spend ’cause they still have an allowance to save and a tuition fee to pay. Okay, breathe out. I guess that’s all, peace!

I never thought writing this could help me ease the pain I am dealing because of the messed up ladder tournament!


Typical girl with a typical imagination--I just wonder, how?

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